Tree Of Knowledge

Mixed media, spalted driftwood, Birch bark, Iboga root, Huachuma, Coca, Mimosa, Chacruna, magical plants and forest finds, a Cowrie shell, a nod to Ron Mueck, velvet, wool, cord, and glittery love-bombing.

130cm wide x 150cm high.

For sale at £8,500.

Contrasting textures, powdered wood, considered sacred in Africa, sits aside powdered wood, considered sacred in the Amazon.

Birch bark, lined with dyed sheeps wool.

I’ve loved the work of Ron Mueck for many years and enjoyed the fact that his work was influenced by techniques learnt as a fellow London modelmaker. A keyring from one of his exhibitions seemed like the perfect jewel to hide away in this piece, down within the roots. A metaphor for the journey of spiritual rebirth.